
實踐設計學報 [ Praxes ]第二十期徵稿

PRAXES No.5 /2011 Design Journal Shih Chien University 實踐設計學報 第五期
- 應用架構技術為基底的吸引力問卷設計方法初探
Primary Study of Design Approach of Attractiveness Survey Applying Structural Methods - 應用情感喚醒方法於科幻情境聯想之設計創作探討
An Application for Design Method of Emotional Arousal with Association of Science Fiction - 機能介護服應用醫療之可用性研究—以下肢損傷患者為例
The Research and Design of Medical Function Clothing: Base on Adapted Buttons Patient - 兩種吸濕排汗合成纖維與純棉纖維織物之舒適性研究
Two Kinds of Moisture Wicking Fabrics and Cotton Fabric to the Research on Wearing Comfort - 「記憶拼圖拼記憶」:概念地圖利用於電影《記憶拼圖》(Memento)腳本內容之資訊設計與探討
A creation of the message transformation from movie into information design: Take movie “Memento” for example